AI: None Left Out.

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Written standpoint on AI

My favorite topic is AI and sustainability. The big question is, should everyone be allowed to use AI? I think everyone should be allowed to use AI because it was created to serve everyone irrespective of their background, job, or location. John McCarthy designed AI to benefit everyone and not just a specific group, therefore, it is fair to say that everyone should have access to it.

AI provides people with different solutions to problems like climate change and many others. John McCarthy has created a special tool that does not only help adults but also helps children especially with homework and other researches. Thanks to John McCarthy for this great invention. AI and Sutainability stood out for me because it has helped me in several ways like carrying out researches and solving challenging problems.

AI has not just benefited me but my family too. It makes daily tasks easier thereby reducing stress. AI makes it easy for parents to work either at home or in the office and also make out time for the family. It enables them to complete their tasks efficiently and have time to focus on their parental responsibilities.

AI also provides sick people with personalized treatment options, it is easy to interprete lab results and dignose diseases with AI. It helps health professionals to prescribe medication and suggest suitable diet for their patients.

In business, the use of AI makes it easy to advertise products, manage business, and develop skills needed for buiness to grow. Even though AI has been helpful, there are people who use it negatively. For instance, people use it to spread fake news, others use it to engage in fraud which if not detected early can cause damages.

In conclusion, I suggest that everyone should be allowed to use AI given that it has more advantages than disadavantages but users should be monitored in order to avoid cyber bullying and other negative vices.

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