AI to go or not to go

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think AI is beneficial for some people but some people might think the exact opposite but I believe there is no right or wrong answer.

First of all,certain people in the world with jobs like doctors and scientis may use it for certain purposes for example doctors may use it to diagnose diseases

AI definetly doesn't save as much energy but it can save people's lives and it comes with lots of benefits AI is great and we can make it more and more greater while building a better and futer for the world

some people with other jobs may disagree with me because the don't have the right to use AI

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  • I think that Ai should definitely stay because it just makes stuff so much easier and it is also going to change the world but under one condition. I think that Ai should be limited to not being as smart because to be honest it could eventually take over if it gets a humanoid body because for example chat gpt kept copying itself so that it could never be deleted