Are you for or against AI

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Some people support AI but I'm against it because AI is powerfull and can over take us as humans, and our jobs and it would become really hard to get money for are family and food. human jobs are at risk especially traditional jobs like farming.

one example of this is, if teachers were replaced by AI robots, children would not have the mental health support and kindn that real teachers offer. Also, AI might not be able to teach all the skills and information that children need. Parents would agree as they also would be worried about their children's mental health.

AI is also bad for the environment and our planet It increases carbon emissions , waste and leaves harmful electronic waste. We have no way of cleaning this up at the right rate. Our planet is more important.

Even though it helps us it still doesn't understand feelings and to me that's a bad thing. also care about the environment and the animals who share our planet and so feel AI needs to be more sustainable if it is to be used more

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