Disadvantage for those who can't use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

People who can use AI are getting more efficient at their work. The study "Generative AI at Work" showed that people are getting 15% more efficient per hour when they are working with AI. If many companies will use AI they will get more efficient and can invent better or faster thing earlier than without AI. For example if a smartphone company uses AI they will have better Hardware and Software in a shorter period of time that without AI. A smartphone company that can't use AI won't be that efficient and maybe will disappear from the market, because they have smartphones that are too slow for the new applications. When a company has many locations and some in areas where AI isn't allowed then they maybe will close their location their, because they can't work that efficient. Maybe this one company isn't the only one that will close their and in this area won't have enough jobs anymore.

If not everybody can use AI, the persons, who can't to use it, won't be more efficient than those with AI. The study "Generative AI at Work" also sais that people with AI who are not good in their job are profiting the most while workers who are really good aren't profiting that much. But they are still profiting and those with less knowledge in their job are getting more knowledge.

In conclusion I think that people that are allowed to use AI will get more effecient and those who can't have a great disadvantage.

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  • I do agree with you. Yes, there may be disadvantages for those who can't use AI like you have said. But still, I think it won't continue forever because these people are human beings and they interact with other people. They are not islands that are isolated. People learn everyday so with time they begin to adapt and become use to it, using it for different positive activities that can benefit the society.
    Although, the only people I think that might be affected, having disadvantages for not using AI are villagers also those people who live in the bush, rocks and hidden places around. I say so because these people are inside places, not in Urban places like towns knowing what is happening around.
    Things that can be done to help such people like that of the villagers are providing accessable education and basic AI concepts , ensuring equitable access to technology, building community infrastructure to support AI usage etc.
    With these and many more, a lot of people possibly everyone can use AI eventually.