Does AI cause more harm or good in the world?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

My favourite topic was AI and Sustainability and the big question I chose was ‘Does AI cause more harm or good in the world?’. In my opinion, it differs. If everyone is constantly using AI for less important things just to save time its more harmful to us with how environmentally damaging AI is, but if we use it more sparingly like for predicting natural disasters then it can save hundreds and thousands of lives, also natural disasters are predicted in one place, NASA, but if everyone can just use ai for little things that's billions of people all over the world using it which causes a lot more pollution just to save a little time for themselves.
In the end, I think AI does more good than harm especially with all its potential and all the lives it can / could save, but it would be a lot better if people used AI for more important reasons not just to help themselves because if people just used AI to help save themselves a bit of time it would definitely not be worth it for all the environmental damage it does.
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