Everyone is allowed to use AI. How does that influence us?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Should everyone be allowed to use AI?
I would say yes, but at the same time I'd say no because I'd say yes because it is a really useful technology for a lot of people but that also includes scamers and as i wrote in my other standpoint, AI has a big impact on nature so the the way it is used should pay up for the damage AI causes, so at the first thought I would say yes and in fact I think many people would say yes but if we stay and think about it the answer seems to be no.
Because everyone is allowed to use AI the hackers took advantage, there were cases where hackers used AI to steal a large amount of money, this beacuse they were allowed to use AI, so there's a fact that suggests that the answer is no. Another thing AI hurts it is people's brains, and i dont say this like it is actually doing something to them but the students that use, they get the answer immediately they dont think neither work for the answer, our brain has the capacity to think and if we dont train that capacity it loses it, by loses it I dont refer that if we use AI we wont be able to think anymore just that we wont be as smart beacuse we are not working or researching or anything that would make us learn, we get the answer and that's it.
So now I'm gonna talk about the AI-nature relationship because, we all know thanks to the lessons, that AI causes harm to the nature, an example would be that, after a search AI needs 27 litres of water to cool down, thinking that we use AI to get answers not only doesn't help our brain and also harms the nature, it really makes me say that not everyone should be allowed to use AI.
If only the right people would be allowed to use AI it will be much better in the future. Now, what does "the right people" mean? Well, when i say this I reffer to the people that uses it to save lifes, protect nature, some examples would be the scientist that trace an earthquake with the help of AI fast enough to save lifes, doctors being helped by AI in surgery's so the pacient makes it through alive, forest ranger using AI and surveillance cameras to detect anyone who wants to cut the trees for their own sake.
In conclusion, not everyone should be allowed to use AI not because the are not as important, and because not evryone is using it in a way that doesn't harm anybody or the nature or in a way that protects other things.
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