How AI is damaging the environment
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI is damaging the environment at the same time as helping us .As AI produces carbon emissions and melting the ice caps because of the atmosphere warming up . Training a single AI model can use as much electricity as one hundred us homes .AI-powered smart systems in homes and offices can turn off lights, heating and coolling when not needed, saving electricity.
Its fun to have AI around but every day you could be using AI without knowing .If AI is not used responsibly it could be used for harmful things like fake news or spying on people. Making AI-powered machines requires rare metals, and once these machines stop working, they turn into harmful waste.
Overall, I think that AI has lotrs of positive uses however there are many negative impacts to think about. I believe that in order to make AI sustainable improvements need to be made to reduce the waste and carbon footprint of some AI robots. Protecting the environment should be the main priorty in devceloping new AI software.
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