How to deal with AI.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Many people are using AI in their daily's lives these days. However there are a lot of positive and negative points. Some people say that it is harmful to the environment, others say that it is essential to improve our quality of live.

I think it is hard for us to judge whether AI is a better or not for us because AI is deeply connected to our life. We use technology from AI without noticing it. Without AI, our lives will become less convenient, but AI sometimes cause a problem.

By the way, I found the opinion that we didn't know ourselves well, and then how we can know AI similar to our brains.

That is true, therefore, what I think is the most important is to think AI's advantages and disadvantages daily. The situation around us connected to AI is changing a lot. We wil have plenty of time to use AI. We should think is it dangerous for us before using AI. The time when we can decide whether AI is better or not for human beings will sure come in the future. We should not forget it and then use AI in smart ways. What is important is becoming always curious about AI.

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  • Hi everyone,
    They are ways of how we deal with AI by understanding its capabilities and limitations to use it wisely. Approach AI as a tool that can enhance our productivity, but it can also be mindful of its potential risks, such as bias or privacy concerns. We should stay informed about the ethical implications of AI and ensure its use aligns with responsible practices. Regularly evaluate how AI impacts your work and life, making adjustments as needed to ensure it benefits us. Lastly, foster a collaborative relationship with AI by combining our creativity and decision-making with AI’s analytical power for better outcomes.
    So they are ways of how we deal with AI both positive and negative.