Is AI Doing More Harm Than Good?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Artificial Inteligence (AI) is constantly changing the world.However, I think that it is doing more harm than good.This is because of all the damage that it is doing to the environment.Although AI is helping people find solutions to climate change, there is no hiding the fact that it is contributing to the problem.

The first example that supports my opinion is that if you sent 1 email a week for a year, 27 litres of water is used to call down the data centers! That may not sound like a lot of water but if we let that amount be used it could seriously imact us. Also,it is believed that by 2030 the amount of carbon dioxide produced by these data centers will equate to roughly 40% of the anual emmisions of the US.If we let that percentage get any higher, it will not only be the US.

The second example that supports my opinion is that 1 search using AI takes 2.9 watt-hours of electrisity, which is nearly 10 times as much as a google search.A single search onb google takes 0.3 watt-hours of electrisity. This is about the same amount of electrisity it takes to power a digital clock for a hour! Why do we need AI is it is easier to search something on google?

In conclusion, I believe that AI is doing more harm than good . But what is more important to you,AI potential progress or protecting the planet?

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