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Written standpoint on AI

I am writing because I want to know if AI is sustainable or not?

Astonishingly, my class found out that one photo powered by AI can charge a phone up to 50 percent so when my teacher used 3 pictures it would of chareged 1 and a half phones .I found out that one single AI model can hold up to 100 US houses which could probaly give a human a electric shock in a few seconds .

In my opinion I think some people should use AI .A reason why I think people like doctors and scientists actually use it but avarage people will just use it day to day.Doctors need it for health every day and even save people's life .Scientists need it because they need to know what the weather is and tomake sure that our planet is safe

There is a negative and a positive side for example it helps people learn new things . It is positive because it can tell people who can't get out much or do'nt watch /read the news .AI is also negative because it is not sustainable to the earth by giving heaps of smoke .It is neative because in the future robots may be teachers and since robots do'nt have feelings so if chidren are sad a robot woud'nt have the same reaction as a human.

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