Is it good to have AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think that AI is affective to our future because AI is not good for some jobs cause it might take their job and AI will make the human who earlier had the job will have no job. I also think that it will make workers for examples such as: farmers and university students work less hard.

My first reason for this decision is because since to sending a email a week for a year using AI would require 27 litres to prevent overt heating heating. If this is not used then it could cause global warming.

My second reason for this decision is because AI requires a lot of power and that power could power a dead phone all the way to a 50% phone. This power can be instead be used for something else such as scientists.

My third and last reason for this decision is because AI might take up the job of taxi's. This bad because normally you get to have a chat with the driver and ask a few questions but with AI you only just sit their and do nothing.

I think that sicentists will disagree with me because they could use it to spot: natural disasters,threats and weather warnings. It will give an early-warning to warn them and prepare.

For some models , it takes as much energy to create one AI generated image as it does to charge a smartphone's battery to 50%.

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