Look at how many things AI can do
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I think that AI is used for getting the right information in what you are doing and its also good for the future and good for kids to learn because of how smart and intelligent it is so it will type up fast and help kids to learn faster and learn more things. In my class i learnedabout AI and sunstainabilty and i think it is fare for every body to do it
I learned about facts and one of the facs were that AI is everywhere but you dont know, even things like phones laptops, tvs and other things you use like playstaion nintendo switches pc you will always use AI by loging in AI is acctuly detect if you are human or if you are a robot. I also learned that AI can memories anything so quilcky and if you type something on AI then it will come up instantly with no hesitation .
But the negative things about AI is that it cant see your emotions so sometimes it will make you angry but you shouldnt blame AI because it wont know if your mournfull happy or excited it wont know at all so you shouldnt be mad . AI is good and bad because it will help you understand things cleary and perfectly so it wont make no mistakes and it is the smartest thing on the internet but as i was saying about the bad things about emotions it cant see so be carefull when your using AI
I think AI isnt use for elderly people because in there days it wouldnt have had AI so they would not know a trhing about AII and how it works and they would disagrees because of how recent it came out . AI is so worth it because of how intelligent it is AI will always respond to what people type AI will always be able to do things you tell them but be sensible I hope people will use AI alot because of how intelligent it is so .
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