Should everyone be able to use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think that everyone should be allowed to use AI but there needs to be a limit to the amount of chats or images per day. I believe this could prevent the amount of resources we use on AI. There should be a verification system in AI that allows people from professions like; scientists, architects, engineering and many more which would greatly benefit from using AI in their work.

This will prevent school students from using AI to cheat on school/homework which 54% of students do already. This will not only help the students, letting them have to learn the topics of the homework which will also be seen in school. It will prevent so many resources being wasted on people’s laziness.

If people like scientists use and teach AI maybe they can find a way to make AI less wasteful which would make it acceptable for everyone to use. AI can speed up work and help many people with problems that they couldn’t solve before. Such as a scientist who can use AI to predict outcomes of experiments and solve complex mathematical problems in a matter of seconds. AI has even been awarded a nobel prize by predicting the structure of protein.

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  • I agree with your opinion that everyone should be allowed to use AI but there needs to be "a limit" to the amount of chats or images per day. I think the limit is very important for everyone to use AI because some people are too dangerous to use AI and chat to someone else. For example, there may be some people who intend to make some crimes, and by using AI, they can know how to use guns and succeed to take it place, or there may be some people who attack someone else on the Internet by chatting how bad they are on the Internet by using AI chat. However, the limit which you say can prevent those bad things, and make us more safely.
    Moreover, that limit can decrease the amount of using electricity as you say.
    That's why I agree with your opinion, and even if there is that limit, everyone should be allowed to use AI