Should Everyone Be Able to Use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

The hot topic in today's news is “Should everyone be able to use AI?” Well, today we are going to discuss if everyone should be able to use AI.

First, I think people should be able to use AI. Why? Because AI can be an important piece of technology that can help people get ideas and tips on climate change. There are jobs that need artificial intelligence like scientists, doctors, and the people working at The Economist Foundation. AI is actually being used by the makers for the electric car brand Tesla.

Next, I think everyone should be able to use AI because It can be helpful as a virtual assistant. Do you know Siri? If you don't know, Siri is an AI powered source that you can ask questions to and get replies immediately. We wouldn't even have Alexa or Siri if we didn't have AI.

Another reason I think everyone should be able to use AI is because there are online business workers that need it so they can get ideas for their stores. There are also online shoppers that need AI so they can buy and look at other items.

Some people believe that AI might be harmful because they believe in 2030, it is possible that AI could take over, but others don’t agree. They think that AI is useful. In conclusion, I think everyone should be able to use AI. That's all for today! Go to @wondrous_turkey for more posts!

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