Should everyone be allowed to use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a uselful tool for many people in there day to day lives, it can be used to identify objects, organise and analyse data and generating text, however it also has some downsides as it is not always accurate and training AI can take a lot of time and work. Personally I believe that AI should be limited to specific industries like healthcare and government, as it has a number of negative features.

For example training AI requires a lot of resources and work. It needs to be specially trained for its specific purpose on thousands of pieces of data. This training generates a lot of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, the training of GPT3 emitted 290000 kilograms of carbon dioxide and this doesn't even account for the emission from its use.

Furthermore AI data centres are predicted to emit triple the amount of carbon dioxide emissions they are anually in five years. By 2030 Ai is predicted to have released around 2.5 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases which is over double of the United States current emission.

However AI does have some good uses for example some AI has been trained on specific data sets about hearts and heart disease. This AI is then used to analyse medical records and hearts to see if anyone has symptoms of heart diseases. So far that has found 22000 possibly ill people and identified 500 ill people, one of whose life was saved due to this.

AI can also partially help decrease global emissions, AI is good at seeing patterns due to the way they are trained. AI can be used to help find the most fuel efficient routes for cars and planes and predict natural disasters like floods and tornados and warn people about them.

Overall whilst AI has some good uses in prediction which can allow for optimisation in a number of sectors, it cannot tell us new information. I believe that AI should only be used privately by organsiations such as hospitals that can save lives or companies like Google that are using them to save the planet.

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  • Should all people have the ability to use AI? That's the question this discussion offers and I'm here to give an answer.

    AI can help all ages from the young age of 7-8 to 60 and beyond. AI offers many ways to help many different ages for example it could help a kindergarten understand how to read or explain to an adult a recipe for complex food and even help a blind person navigate through a phone by speaking. AI improves the lives of many and I believe everyone can use it but I think there have to be restrictions on the AI depending on the age.

  • No not everyone should be allowed to use AI the only people that should maybe use AI for research and development purposes is technologists and scientists otherwise students, teachers, artist, and any other jobs should be allowed to use AI. Due to most AI supporting cheating, unoriginality, and lacking in creativity it should not be put in the hands of people who have bad purposes for it. AI not only pollutes the environment as shown in news articles and social media in general it also copies ideas from others. Some examples are when people generate papers and projects for their "work" which supports laziness in a productive area. To conclude, anything behind the programming of AI is soulless, for example when someone needs emotional support and someone suggest to look at AI for emotional support, nothing behind the program of AI is genuine and relatable. It doesn't feel real - like in AI art nothing is genuine and feels emotional and real. Basically what I'm trying to say is most likely AI will do more harm than good in my opinion.