Should everyone be allowed to use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a great thing but should everyone be allowed to have it? I think that not everyone should have AI because it could also so be seen as dangerous for anyone even adults.

some people who use AI can take advantage of what it can do, like crimanals . But i also think that not everyone needs AI because if you just stay at home it is least likly you will need AI , but if you where working at a science lab or police it is more likely you will need AI.

I think scientists will kneed AI the most because they might need to now a sertain thing for there experment that could save the world

That is why i think not everyone needs AI

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  • in my opinion i think that all people can use Ai unless if some kind of people using it in useless things and there are alot of people wasting time on it in useless things so to slove this problem we as a humans we need to dont use it in useless things and in my opinion farmers and scientists and doctors need it more than us to help our environment to do things faster and to live as long as possible in our planet like farmers may use Ai for growing plants faster Ai can be able to take care of plants while the farmers doing another things and Ai could give farmers alot of data and informations about the soil and plants but Ai will not replace the farmers cause farmers and humans in general is responsible about Ai and Ai cant be response about itself. and scientists or researchers needing to digest large amount of information efficiently so Ai will help in doing this. and doctors need ai to reduce any risk of humans or any dangers and reduce bias through judgment made on patient characteristics.

    thanks and i hope you got my point.