Should everyone be allowed to use AI?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Should everyone be allowed to use AI?
AI (artificial intelligence) is certainly evolving and, in a short time, it will be used in almost every field and industry. However, that doesn’t mean that that it should be used in every situation. As I learned from the festival, by 2030, the amount of dioxide carbon produced by AI data centres is estimated to be roughly 40% of the annual emissions of the US. For this reason and many other environmental consequences of AI, I think that it should only be made use of only in some circumstances.
People like scientist or farmers should be able to use AI at any time. One reason for my thinking is that these jobs can have a beneficial impact on the whole world. Scientists that study weather changes (meteorologists) can use it so they can prevent natural disasters or at least delay them with the help of programs such WeatherNext Gen, which can generate different weather scenarios.
Returning to farmers, AI can help them make a better use of water by helping them manage the irrigation system, reducing waste and increasing efficiency. Also, certain softwares can identify and offer information about different crops, weeds or other plants.
One thing I’d like to point out is the overuse of AI by students in their university or college work. I honestly think that it had become a serious issue as some of them won’t be able to get on in life without the help of AI. Future teachers, lawyers or even medics are now dealing with their university work by using AI. The problem is that, without critical thinking, students aren’t developing their minds and so, their creativity, making them unprepared for their professional career. For this motives, I strongly believe that AI should be prohibited in colleges or other learning institutions. I don’t mean to say that they should’t be allowed to use the whole internet because I think that looking up on browsers, reading different articles can engage the brain of young people and so adding some complexity in their logic.
Unfortunately, AI is slowly, but surely transforming people in “robots” without strong opinions, ideas or deep knowledge.
In conclusion, I consider that AI should only be used in scientific fields or in purpose of helping the entire humankind. Luckily, companies like Google are still working on models that can have a positive impact on the entire population.
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