Should everyone be allowed to use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI), is amazing but also dangerous depending on how you use AI. In my opinion, I think not everyone should be allowed to use AI because some people need AI more than others or some people take advantage of people's trust in AI. Even though AI is good for things like: ability to know if volcanoes are eruppting or trees are being cut down. However, AI can do some major enviromental and psychological harm.

The first good thing AI can do is predict natural disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes) which is very useful for scienctists. Also many people can die in these natural disasters so in hindsight, AI can save lives. Another good thing is doctors can search for new diseases or illnesses. Again saving people's lives. So in conclusion, many people will still have their lives for AI.

On the bad side of things, AI relases toxic greenhouse gases (these are bad for our enviroment) and lots and lots of electronic waste. Some people take AI and use it for bad against people who trusr AI.

In my opinion, I think AI does more harm than good.

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