Should everyone be allowed yo use AI?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think that the big queston: should everyone be allowed to use AI, is a good queston because now in the big world of tech AI is pretty big. And I don't think AI should be acsesable to everyone because who knows what people will do with it.

The first example that supports my opinion is that AI is a very useful tool meaning allot of people are wanting to use it. If a random person was given the ability to use AI and used it as much as they could it wouldn't be good atall. The reason being is that AI systems use allot of energy speeding up climate change.

The second example being who would actually need it. If there was like an online shopper or something and a scientist who would need AI more? A scientist creates loads of interesting stuff and discovers loads of things and even invents really cool things in life and could use an AI assistent every once and a while. All an online shopper does is shops online not really going to put AI to a good use.

After these two reasons I would say that AI should only be given to people who will put it to good use.

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  • I agree because not everyone should be allowed to use AI, because some people use it in excess and it will bring some effects to our world because many people may become lazy. I also think that parental control should be added to AI in order to regulate how much children can use it at a time, because AI can reduce our critical thinking skill and we won't be able to express our feelings and emotions, I also want to add that if everyone should use AI there should be a limit set to reduce the usage of AI in our world in other to reduce the effect on us, I think AI is here to guide us on our work and to help in organizations, hospitals and schools.
    Thank You!!!