Standpoint on AI and sustainability

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Written standpoint on AI

I am going to talk the use of AI.The reason why I want AI to be banned for kids is because so may copy answers and also cheat which is not good for education. Also children often type things that are silly. I think that parents would agree with me as they are concerned about their children.

Itis super important to keep AI sustainable for the environment because others can be no so sustainable so we have to keep the environment safe For the future. AI causes negative impacts such as it uses a lot of energy, training a single AI model can use as much electricity as one hundred homes in a year. This leads to more carbon emission which harm our world and this is not sustainable. So I believe AI use should be only be used to help important jobs and find ways to help people save our environment.

AI can help doctors disegnose dieaseases Faster Which can save lives and help cure diseases so this is an area that Inthink AI is very important for.

overall, I think AI should only be used where it benefits humans and the environment. Do you agree with me. ?

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