The double edged sword of AI.

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Written standpoint on AI

What do you think the future hold for us when it comes to using AI? I am torn between two opinions, because the introduction of AI to humans is a great technology with enormous advantages yet not without some downsides.

I think some of the negative impact of AI is that it will reduce a lot of skills and knowledge in humans, it will also negatively affect our society, planet and eco system because of the carbon emission being released in companies which is dangerous. When AI takes the position of humans and it results in unemployment, some people will become involved in vices such as stealing, kidnapping and armed robbery.

Too much attachment to AI could also bring about redundancy in creativity, this will affect the productivity of the mind. AI works excessively without breaks and this could encourage laziness in humans which will hinder progress and this is not good for humans.

Too much Interaction with AI can lead to emotional instability because people will not be able to express their emotions properly with other humans since AI doesn't have emotions

But AI has many positive impacts too as it has become a very handy assistant to humans. It helps to organize our thoughts and ideas. It has made learning very easy because explanations of difficult and unfamiliar words or ideas are now at our finger tips.

Another good impact of AI is that, it assists doctors in diagnosing diseases, teachers in making the teaching process easy and interesting, farmers in monitoring agricultural process and produce etc.

I want to say with AI comes the jobs of tomorrow that is to say AI will provide jobs as there will be creation of new industries and jobs like AI engineers, data analysts, virtual assistants, scientist etc.

In conclusion, AI is a double-edged sword with great advantages and significant risks. If we use it properly and responsibly, we can harness all the attendant benefits and create a great future, this can be done by setting clear guidelines, responsible AI development and making sure that the safety of man is the number one goal.

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