The Good and The Bad of AI in the workplace
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Will AI do more harm or good in the world?
From my point of view, there's a good side and a bad side to AI. In this standpoint, I want to talk about one of the main risks which is how AI will replace people in certain industries, or at least some of the work they do.
The good side of this is that scientists already use AI to find out more about concerns in the world such as natural disasters. For example, they can predict them and then warn people about them so that they can then find safety quickly which potentially prevents the deaths of thousands of people and animals.
However, there is also a bad side to AI. That is when AI does not help people in their jobs but rather replaces their job entirely. This could potentially lead to an unemployment epidemic which could ultimately be a major threat to society. Research tells us as many as 300 million jobs could be replaced by AI.
One job I do not agree with AI replacing is teachers. So many of my friends now use AI to solve their maths equations for example. However, it does not breakdown the problem and tell them step by step how to solve it. Instead, it just gives them the answer straight away and then because of this they learn nothing. Not only that, a real human teacher can add a human touch and make the learning experience feel far more colourful.
In conclusion, AI could cause harm if it replaces jobs completely. However, if it is used as a helpful tool and helps a human to do their job even better than it could make for a lot of good.
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