What is More Important Being Sustainable or Making Progress?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Twenty years ago AI was just a dream, But today it has become real in our every day life.

AI has become an integral part of our daily life.

Let's talk about the conflicts between AI and Sustainability, I do confirm that AI has a bad impact on our planet but the question here is what is more important being sustainbale or making progress?

In My Opinion both are important but when it comes to priorties no one can deny that protecting our planet comes first. we will reach nothing if if we keep our technological progress if natural resources are running out and environment is affected badly.

Any progress that is not sustainable means that we are making a abuilding without foundation that will sure collapse in the future. The health of our planet is very important.

But all of this doesn't mean to stop progress the key point and the real challenge is how to acheive sustainable progress which guarantees a stable future for us and for coming generations.

AI can be a very useful and powerful tool in solving environmental problems such as climate change, managing energy, and waste reduction.

Using this tool with balance and in a sustainable way is the seuper way to save this planer instead of destroying it.

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