What might happen if only some people can use AI but others can't ?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I believe that if only a few people can use AI the people people who can't will be the majority of every day citizens will not be happy , despite the fact that people like doctors and scientists can save their lives.Everybody would have a reason why they would lie to use AI because it's a great thing to use and help you but there are a few who can save your lives. I believe that those people should be the few who are alowd AI.

The first example to that supports my own opinion is that if scientists can't use Ai but parents and online shopers. The parent would be using it to look up recipes and the online shop would be inside on a screen.I f they were looing outside orgetting the warning from a scientists about the Disarster that could be happening. The scientist could have used AI to save their friends and family from a natural disarster ,there for being of more use to the Scientist than the parent or online shoper.

In conclusion, depending on who can use AI, there will be a different out come meaning we will have to make shore the wright people can use AI.

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