Who I believe should use AI and what I believe it should be used for.

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Written standpoint on AI

Who should be allowed to use AI?

I believe personally, after classroom discussions with my peers and debates over different standpoints, that the people that should be allowed to use AI should be ones such as the scientists or farmers. I personally think that scientists should be allowed specifically to use this tool to help them as it could possibly predict many future disasters which could help save thousands and if not millions of future lives from possible incidents. This would greatly outweigh the downside of AI producing tonnes of waste as human lives are more important than being eco-friendly and will always be. I also think that farmers should be allowed to use it since AI helps them to grow crops and feed the population which is greatly needed currently in many countries such as those in war, countries in Africa and other countries in poverty which are in a great famine.

However, even if some people are allowed to use it some should not be. I believe this because a lot of people would use it for everyday things such as forming lists, helping with chores, or just equations such as school problems. I believe that this is not important enough on a global scale to be enough to outweigh the disadvantages of pollution and CO2 waste that is caused by AI.

What should AI be used for?

AI currently should be used for development and research instead of trying to be used for sustainability. This is because currently people such as Elon Musk are developing ways to travel and live on Mars, which is a neighbouring planet of Earth. Organisations such as NASA are planning to send astronauts to Mars by the late 2030's as shown by articles on their official website and many tools and machinery they have been working on to possibly allow astronauts to visit the "Red Planet" in the future.

What negative impacts of AI will there be in the future?

Some of the disadvantages of using AI is that through research it is predicted that AI will produce a total of 1.2 million to 5 million metric tons of waste, which is an astronomically high figure and could increase the more it is used. Currently, we are struggling to manage the waste we have today, and are slowly starting to run out of the piles and locations we can just dump the waste into and not do anything about, soon, in countries such as the United States of America, they are predicted to reach their landfill capacity in the country in less than 18 years, and another source of waste is not needed currently as the world will soon reach its capacity.

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  • To add on to your point of who should use AI, I think that doctors in addition to scientists can help develop cancer treatments and detection if they're allowed access to AI. In fact, AI has already been researched for ways to detect cancer, such as cited in cancer.gov, where researchers have used AI to improve the accuracy of immunotherapies. So, I feel that AI should not be restricted to just scientists or farmers, but also with doctors that can work with scientists to save more lives and improve medicine.