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Written standpoint on AI

In my opinion, I don't see the reason why only a particular group of people should be allowed to use AI, because some people who used AI to invent things where not necessarily scientists, online shop owners, parents, or farmers, for example; Ian Goodfellow who was a student developed GANs, which was a grounbreaking concept in AI. So, I don't think that people need to be under a particular category before they can use AI to do something, they just need to be humans. So, every single human being should be allowed to use AI.

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  • I disagree because...
    If everyone is using AI it will be a big problem for the earth, as the damage we are doing now is trying to be controlled and is doing a lot of harm. If everybody is allowed to use AI the risk of our natural resources finishing will be earlier than usual and the intense heat will increase.
    If everyone is allowed to use AI people would be more lazy and a large amount of jobs will be lost. Also we do not know what the future might hold and what AI might do. Another reason is that, AI can is unpredictable and can do things unexpectedly. For example a scientist watching for natural disaster when he/she is looking at a tornado that is coming before he/she can do anything, if the AI goes off and does not come on, before he/she can do anything or see the full report, it will already be too late with the tornado has already being formed and is already making impact.
    Also, AI can be bias or incomplete in data presentation as the people making it can program wrong or incomplete information.
    In conclusion if everyone uses AI the earth can lose its resources and also make us regret it.