Will AI do more harm or good in the world?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The impact of AI on our planet is quite complex, but I believe that AI will probably do more good for our home. Here are my reasons...
1) AI gets stuff done faster: it can do boring tasks for us, like sorting through tons of data, which makes everything work faster and more efficiently. Imagine a super smart robot helper for doctors, bankers, and factories.
2) AI can make crazy cool inventions: it can help us come up with new inventions and solve tricky problems. It's like having a genius buddy who can help scientists and engineers make awesome new things!
3) It can make smart decisions: AI can help us make better choices by giving us smart advice based on lots of information. This can be very helpful for doctors, figuring out the best treatments for patients.
4) AI can also pesonalize stuff for us, like giving us movie recommendations or making learning plans just for us. It's like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you like.
This is my opinion about this question, but you might have a different one, I respect that. Thanks for reading my standpoint!
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