Will AI do more harm or good in the world?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Personally, I think that AI will do more good than harm.The first example that supports my opinion is that people like scientists or doctors that could use AI for crucial and important reasons such as curing diseases or trying experiments that could impact the world (in a good way).Also, hospitals can use AI to see their patients by making their computor system quicker and easier to handle.This could resolve in getting the injured/sick patients the help that they really need and quicker than usual.As well as this doctors and scientists could make recipies for medicines that are easier to make. The second example that supports my opinion is that it could help a college or university student.For example Grammarly is a famous and internationally used app that can save worries and problems with essays and writing pieces.This canalso save plenty of time on important tests essays and more.
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