Will AI do more harm or more good in the world, and what is the future holding?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

"Between each beat of existence lies the delicate balance of creation and demise; humanity's greatest triumphs can entwine with the shadows of its mistakes, a reminder that the hand of salvation grips the dagger of consequence." -Passionate_Molecule

When it emerges to the question of AI’s morals (if it has any) you will commonly find that opinions are much more mixed than one would expect. So which opinions can we trust? In a world full of AI generators, fake news and conspiracy theorists, who can we trust but ourselves? Or are our own minds slowly numbing to the “facts” revealed before us?


AI is much more complicated than the average person would ever imagine. Let’s put it into understandable terms; imagine building a brain, piece by piece. “I want you to do this, this, and this. That’s all” and that is all it does. However, soon you get bored, so you decide to make it; “Do this, this and also this... oh, and decide what to do here!” Now, things get interesting. You have put in a crossroad, or a decision for that brain to make. You are no longer in control. It does what it seems to be right, not what it wants. “Human” Morals are out of the question.

So, is AI doing more harm than good in the world? Well, my belief is that AI can do a lot better than evil, if coded properly. For example, many hospitals use AI to enhance diagnostic processes and manage healthcare data efficiently. But doesn’t this replace doctors? No, not doctors. The fact; “is humans don’t trust machines, and doctors are still required heavily upon to take care of patients and take blood samples,” -NHS

However, there are many out there who despise the concept of AI, and for good reason! For example, “Meticulous_Fern” (Who disagrees with me) could use the example of; AI is commonly used for autonomous lethal weapons. And AI has no morals. It will do as it’s told, almost like a human baby, not knowing right from wrong. It could be told by anyone.

To conclude, AI in my opinion can benefit the world, amazingly. If in the right hands, it can change life as we know it, for an incredible future. However, in everyone’s own words, it can also doom Humanity as we know it. Afterall, “The hand of salvation grips the dagger of consequence."

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