will AI do more harm than good

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Written standpoint on AI

i think that AI is more good than harm because it is a very crucral part to keep the world running in this modern day. anouther reason that i think AI is good is that AI like robot cars will help some older elders because not all of them are capable of driving and it will make it easyer for them to get around with out getting a friend or taxi.

Some people could disagree with me because the super machines that are required to run these robotic cars give out a lots of polution to the world's atmisphere . however it would make a difference but the are plannet already has a lot of polution . Also in my opinion i think that my argument is stronger because it is not just the robotic car . You might not notice it but in your smartphones their is AI . On apps like youtube tik tok and X AI looks at what you like to watch and makes more of the videos that you like to watch come up more when you are scrolling . But on the other hand many many liters of water are pourd into computers to stop them from over heating and they have to do that quite often . In conclotion as a clear finally summary I think that AI is more good than bad.

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