Is Elon Musk's power a problem?

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Written standpoint on Elon Musk

Nowadays, social media and technology give influential people the opportunity to shape the lives of millions. Individuals such as Elon Musk, who is the owner of powerful corporations, possess more influence than most politicians. This leads to an important question: can a single person have too much power? My answer is yes – one person can have too much power which is a dangerous issue for the world because it creates inequality and places the future of the world in the hands of only a few individuals.

Social media allows powerful individuals a direct way to change people’s mindset and easily manipulate them. For instance, Elon Musk's tweets can change the price of any goods within minutes, like causing Bitcoin’s value to rise or drop depending on what he says. This shows how one person can impact the investment choices of millions without any responsibility. That kind of power can be used to manipulate individuals creating inequality and dividing society.

Given that there is typically no limit on how much influence powerful individuals have, governments often create laws to try to regulate businesses or the media. However, these laws do not equally apply to influential people like Musk which allows them to spread false information without any consequences. Believing everything said on social media can harm society and that is why information posted on internet should be supervised.

Apart from influence, technology allows powerful individuals to gain even more power. Elon Musk has companies that control transport, space exploration, and social media – sectors that shape the future of society. When a single person wields this much power, their choices easily affect millions of lives. Such power is dangerous, and no individual should hold the power which allows them to single-handedly shape the future of the whole world.

Ultimately speaking, one person can hold too much power which is a risk for society. Social media, lack of rules, and advanced technology create opportunities for people like Elon Musk to take over. So much influence can mislead and confuse people, create inequality, and put the future of society at risk. The world needs solid laws to restrict power held by individuals and distribute it among members of society. If people don’t act now, only a handful of powerful individuals might control the future – leaving others without a say.

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