My stand on Elon musk and the power/influence he holds over the world

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Written standpoint on Elon Musk

My perspective on Elon Musk's influence in the American political landscape is that his authority is disproportionately substantial, especially considering he is not an elected official. His prominence in politics raises concerns about the implications of having a private citizen wield such significant power. Following the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Musk has been given a critical role in the administration. PBS News reported that "President Trump has tasked Elon Musk with an enormous job of searching the federal government and rooting out inefficiencies and waste." However, Musk's initial, chaotic integration into various government departments has led to concerns about the appropriateness of his involvement. Public sentiment shows skepticism towards Musk's substantial political influence, particularly given his lack of formal political experience, with his first significant engagement occurring at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February. In conclusion, I believe it is inappropriate for Elon Musk to hold such a high level of political power, especially in matters that could reshape the lives of American citizens, which are in better hands with experienced political leaders. Work with: ates' new president Donald Trump, Elon Musk has gained a large amount of power in the trump administration My perspective on Elon Musk's influence within the American political landscape is that his authority is disproportionately substantial, particularly considering that he is not an elected political official. His growing prominence in the political sphere raises concerns about the implications of having a private citizen wield such significant power.

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