How to use the Student Hub
Welcome to the Topical Talk Festival!
Every week during the Festival, you’ll have lessons in your classroom about a topic in the news. After these lessons, you’ll come here, to the Student Hub.
This is a space to join discussions with young people around the world to see what others think about the topics you’ve discussed.
Here are some top tips to get started:

Festival topics
Focus on the topics that you learn about in your Topical Talk classroom lessons so that you have some ideas and opinions ready to join discussions.

You can comment on any post. Sometimes you’ll be set a challenge or be asked to make a decision. Mostly you’ll share your opinions by responding to what others have said. The best comments are thoughtful and explain what you think and why. You can also support your response by adding a comment reaction.
Aim to engage with lots of other students in different parts of the world. For example, you could ask other young people about their perspectives and communities.
Find out more in the FAQs

Look out for the leaderboards! If you show a good understanding of a topic or evidence the Topical Talk skills, we’ll award you stars.
Those with the most stars at the end of the Festival will win awards.
Find out more about stars

Towards the end of Festival, you’ll be able to submit a Standpoint. This will be your own post that shares your opinion on the topic that interests you most.
Find out more about Standpoints

Profile page
You’ll find all your Hub contributions, star information and notifications on your profile page.

If you get lost, the best place to go is back to the Student Hub homepage.
Comments (10)
The first topic of the great topical talk festival,AI and sustainability is an interesting topics that is extremely important to fulfill all need in the future.AI is like advanced computers, especially designed to contribute the significant role of humans . It will bring a great impact in the society. sustainability is something that can sustain and continue, more decades.The UN sustainable and goals(SDG) aims towards a bright, shining future with sustainable growth.
The Topical Talk festival is very enjoyable
In topical talk session 1 about AI and sustainability ,they provided us with placards with different professions like doctor, scientist,banker and so on.
Each and every student had randomly picked up one placard and had choosen their profession. according to their placard everyone had spoken why this profession needs AI . It was an interesting, interactive, and informating activity. Here we expressed our skills like leadership skill, entrepreneurial skill, buisness skills, critical thinking skill, problem solving skill and more. I just admired with other profession's need for AI.
Everyone, just brain stormed and turned out this activity to the peak of learning skills. I get more knowledged by listening to the various professions. It's just a "thunder to think" where we recieved more skills and experience like rain droplets.
I disagree because... Ai doesn't really make you have more knowledge by listening to the various professions
Topical talk festival is so fun and I have a great time using it.
Thank you
The topical talk festival is great and superb the ai is what I admire and that is what I like about TOPICAL TALK FESTIVAL.
Topical Talk is a good discussion because it helps improve our problem solving and thinking it helps us know what is happening around the world and how we can change them, I would like it more more schools join Topical Talk it helps us share ideas and collaborate with other people around the world, all the topics are awesome like AI and Sustainability and Syria: a turning point, I like all this topics because it can help a lot of people in his/her daily life and also it gives entrepreneurial spirit like frank_blueberry said
I agree because Topical Talks helps us understand and learn, I also think its helps us give other people our opinion and we can help others learn, I also agree about the topics being wonderful.
I am having the great experience in the topical talk festival. By saying me perspective on the topics and also by knowing the other perspective on the topics like AI and sustainability, Syria and soon. In same topic they have committed the AI and sustainability with the United nations sustainable goals (SDG)too.
This competition, topical talk, is very important to any person who wants to improve his/her skills though, talking, listening or any other.
The topic that grabbed my attention is AI and sustainability, combining AI to sustainability.
Many people use AI without awareness of its impact on the planet if not now so in the future.
I really appreciate this competition and I hope to be awarded many stars as possible.
Thank you 😊
The Topical Talk festival is really great, you can learn a lot of things there and you can chat with studentsfrom all over the world. it is truly amazing! . i love it !
We are so pleased that you are enjoying it, quick_reality! Can you something you have learned from a student in another country?
I learn more every day, but something I personally like hearing about is the common challenges in other places.
While reading them I always think about how the government,people,or others are going to fix the situation.
The Topical Talks competition is a great way for students around the world to communicate and express their own opinion.
My favorite topical talk activity is the "One small step for women, one giant leap for humankind." one. It helps me understand how women are treated differently than men. It also told me that women are preparing for outer space adventure. Based on that topic, I think it is best for people to let women have the same rights as men.
Enjoy the Topical Talks festival!😄