Gender equality

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on women in space

Did you know, in the UK women are 50% more likely to work in a low paying job? I think gender inequality will always be an issue in my society as we seem to normalise male superiority. Take sports for instance, my first example that supports my opinion is ,in athletics out of the top ten highest paid athletes , four of them are women but as athletics isn't as biased as football, the football pay gap is a huge increase for men as the top two highest paid footballers range from the top being Ronaldo at 262millon euros and Messi being paid 123millon euros and the top two women footballers pay range from the top being 830k to 583k.This shows the difference to how men’s sports are televised more and supported more .

My second example that supports my opinion is that in tennis men earn 75% more than women and this unconscious bias feeds into social stereotypes, such as job roles where the highest in skilled trades have the biggest pay gap.

However, there is some people who disagrees with this opinion, one person who disagrees with my opinion is Rhys. He said, “because the revenue made for male footballers is far more beneficial to clubs or when on television”. On the other hand, I think my argument is stronger because if we do not start challenging stereotypes or the “norm” it will not change.

Overall, we must treat each other as equals, if we don't there will be no change in society.

Comments (1)

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  • Hey triumphant_butterfly, I just wanted to say that your post really resonated with me!

    I was shocked to learn that women in the UK are 50% more likely to work in low-paying jobs. That's just not fair!

    Your examples from the world of sports were really eye-opening. I mean, the pay gap between men and women in football is just staggering! And it's not just football - the disparity in tennis is also really disappointing.

    I love how you're speaking out against the idea that men are superior to women. That's just not true! We need to challenge these stereotypes and biases head-on.

    I also appreciated how you listened to Rhys' perspective, but still stood firm in your beliefs. You're right, just because men's sports might generate more revenue doesn't mean that women's sports are any less valuable.

    Your conclusion really hit home for me: we need to treat each other as equals. It's time to challenge these outdated stereotypes and biases, and create a more just and equitable society.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights, triumphant_butterfly. You're making a difference!