Gender stereotypes... in the 21st century?

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Written standpoint on women in space

You run like a girl.- phrase that you can still listening in many places like schools or sports centers

With this phrase the question is answer; yes, there is still stereotypes in the world and just by looking around and listening to people you can notice that society has not advance since probably the 19th century.

A study revealed that 80% of the surveyed women has suffered constant discrimination in their jobs or in the steets just because they are women. People still think that just because you are a woman, you can not work in the same way as a men. Of course that women can not work in the same way, they can even make it better, but if our mind is full of stereotypes, we will never experience both perspectives, men and women, which is something fundamental in order to improve nowadays society.

  • Many parents still raise their children with stereotypes. Many of them buy dolls for their daughters and a basketball or soccer ball for their sons which is the basic stereotype but, what if you daughter wants to learn how to play football? Are you going to forbid her because she is a girl? In my country, seven out of ten girls stop playing sports before they reach the adolescence due to the comments and gender stereotypes that they experience in sports environment. Recently, a football team in Gijón reported that three players aged 10 and 11 years received bad comments based on gender stereotypes from the fathers and mothers of the opposite team . Many of these situations can lead to a loss of great athletes and a loss on the excitement of girls that only want to play the sport they love.
  • To conclude, in my opinion this is a very delicate but important issue people need to focus on so we can create that perfect society we have been dreaming on years ago.

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