"Sunita William's success in space shatters gender stereotypes"

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Audio standpoint on women in space

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  • I agree with you! It is really important to have the motivation to break stereotypes.
    But what can we do activate this motivation in everyone? Do we even need to do it? It is possible?
    These are the questions I ask myself every time, I think about gender inequality and stereotypes.
    Here in Germany, students are encouraged to learn about gender stereotypes. For example, they attend the boys/girls day, where they work one day in a typical women's/man's job. There are also efforts to get women and girls into stem jobs by offering girls' only events. The general consensus here is very supportive of women working in "men's jobs". Most of society here are respecting women.
    How is it in your country? I've heard that the raping of women and girls is a common thing in India. Is that the case?
    And do you believe motivation is the key to break gender stereotypes or are there other things?

    1. You say 'the raping of women and girls is a common thing in India' - can you make this claim for certain? Where is your evidence for this?

      1. According to a Reuters article in 2018, one rape has been reported every 15 minutes. Another source, NCRB Date, says that there have been an average of 86 rapes daily and 49 offences per hour in India in 2021.

        Here the link to these articles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India#cite_note-Kumar-1

        This is why I get the impression that rape is quite a common thing in India. Though I do not have any insight on how well these statistics show the real situation as this data could just be coming from a few major hotspots without being representative for the whole country.
        I want to ask you @frank_blueberry, about how you perceive or interpret this data. How is it where you live? Is this a big problem from your point of view? And what do the people in India think of this in general?

        1. Thank you for the question!
          As you mentioned in your previous comment,'raping of women in india is a common thing', I some what agree with you,but in our country India, apart from women empowerment,there are also unbearable stereotypes which is under motivating women, mainly in the field of space. According to my perspective, If someone tried to break empowerment of women by fighting against them and using some weapons to blackmail them and if anyone done this like, we can punish them legally.but think it in the perspective of people's mindset.breaking people's negative mindset is little bit difficult, that is gender stereotypes. The only way to break this is creating role models which highlights inspiration and motivation. In my society, gender stereotypes is starting from the childhood, they will say that girls should not play for full day like boys, I think that ,stereotypes continues till the adulthood,in the form of restriction like in the field of space. The people in india, mainly women are restricted in 4 walls, sacrificing their dreams, due to the gender stereotypes that exist in the society. I think it is possible, because inspiring people is the only way to seed the motivation in the people's mind.