which is the most worring problem or the one that's more urgent to solve?

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Written standpoint on women in space

“Capitalism wasn’t set up for women, so when we do things that men don’t, like grow a baby, we suddenly see ourselves being dragged back to the kitchen sink.” This is a statement by Joeli Brearley in an article published in the following link: https://www.stylist.co.uk/money/the-motherhood-penalty/502277

I consider this question important because the sooner we acknowledge it, the sooner we will be able to fix it.

Researching about the topic i found a lot of information from different sources, first the economist page, some my fellow topical talkers have the same opinion as me, the motherhood penalty is a big problem that needs to be addressed right now and this people being from all over the world, places like Egypt shows how this issue influences all of us. Of course as in everything else, i saw a lot more opinion on which problem is more difficult to solve or more important like some comments that stated male-led development or male-led industries were the main problems, and of course i do agree with dome of their pits, all problems regarding sexism are important but ev¡en reading other points of view i still remain with my own.

Looking for more information i read a piece of knew written by Joeli Brearley (see link above), there i learned that the difference between the paycheck of women with and without children is even bigger than the difference between men and women, this proves the motherhood penalty is an actual problem and that is affecting so many women iun the world.

Lastly, I would like to share another website : https://pregnantthenscrewed.com/ , i read that this website helps women who have problems at work after getting pregnant and just the fact that something like this has to exist is worrying.

To conclude, just imagine, having kids, therefore you need more money to support them and take good care of them but all of a sudden you find yourself fired from your job just for being a woman, just for being a mother, what would you do?

Comments (1)

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  • I think that the biggest problem is gender inequality. I say this because gender inequality can lead to injustice or unfairness. In particular, to women, it can be unfair, such as less of opportunities, few access to education, and job segregation. This can lead to a lot of damage in the society.
    But I think that there is solution to this problem such as give girls access to education, give girls opportunities, and supporting women, every problem has a solution.