Which problem caused by gender inequality might people in the space industry have the biggest impact on?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

" Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men." Mae Jemison.
In the space industry many women are treated unfairly by their employers because of their gender. An all women astronaut team have high ambitions to make a difference in their workplace and encourage all girls to follow their dreams and aspirations. They wish to get rid of all stereotyping ( people or things that are presumed to look or be a certain way) in the world.
Many women will face the mother's penalty and are paid less because of their maternity leaves, do work around the house and take care of their childre. This means women are not enabled to accomplish these dreams however women are able to do this whether they children or not. Men and some women believe women should stay at home and these perceptions are what is putting women off doing much work.
In my opinion, I think it is an important issue that many people- most of the time unconsciously- stereotype astronauts and space engineers as men and masculine figures. Not only does this make women feel unwanted and disregarded in this industry it is making women feel scared of being treated unfairly to men that they are not working in masculine work spaces. Another example of this is that only 12% of women have space related jobs.
I think women should believe it is ok to break barriers and go out for what they want not wash at others are telling them to do.
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