which problem is cursed by gender inequality is the most differential to fix
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I think gender inequatily is the the most doffercalt to fix because space is a male-domadated indstruy. Only about 25% of aternots are women. The first person to go to space was a man and the frist person to go to the moon was a man but one thing was that not all women want to be in the space industry(like most teacher are women). Some men would disagree with me who don't want women in the Space career.
The motherhood penalty is another reson so women don't get hiered for the job. The motherhood penalty is were a womwn is in the space job and takes a brake for having a child and when she is ready to go back to work. They get a view of not beeing and hard working and sometimes don't get the job that they appiled for. And some mother who have been hired after motherhood pelaty are paid a lot les than men evan doing the same thing or doing more they would get paid less. Like because they are viewed weaker than a man.
Seconly it can just be stereoteyps and women are not as caperball as men but this is not true in my opinon. And male-led industrly is a problem to, to do with space suit and when you do training in a deep pool for some women the water has lecked in but for men that does not happen because they are disined for males. It is a little better now beause some disiners are makeing suits for women but not lots.
This is why I think this is importen and women should not have to face all for this.
Comments (2)
The most challenging problem related to gender inequality in completions is systemic biases that perpetual opportunities and recognition .
I totally agree with you because for the male dominated Industries, the things they make in those companies are mostly for male not for females. let us take the space suit as an example the space suits were actually made for men until 1966 when they started putting the women in their minds. In fact the first tuxedo suit was designed for a lady and that lady was Diana von
And in the motherhood penalty like you said most times when women apply , there is a 90% chance that they might not get the job and even if they get the job, they will not be paid the same amount of money and this happens mostly in companies when the ladies get 35% and the men get 65%. This works mostly when the owner of the company is a man, they think that the men actually do better than the women but they actually don't know that they all do the work together and make it good.