A Solution for Endangered Journalists in War

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

The big question is what should be done to help protect journalists who are at risk for reporting the truth?

This question is posed due to the fact journalists are currently facing many threats based on their reports of the truth. A journalist's job is to gather newsworthy (truthful) information to relay it to the public. However, the people who are currently doing this are endangered. I think this is very wrong because people are scared to even do their job in these countries.

I suppose the best way to put an end to this is to create an anonymous system where journalists have their identity completely protected, however they have some type of code identification so when this is all over, the person may get their credit. This can prevent officials against journalists spreading the truth about either side of the war having the possibility of knowing one's identity.

Another way to protect people in journalism is creating a different system where there are people who protect journals. If you're looking from an official’s point of view, you would most likely start attempting to track where these reports are coming from.

Nevertheless, both of these systems put together could completely counter this effort. This is due to the fact the anonymous system will make it super hard, and the people protecting the journalists will be there to keep them safe.

The only people who would disagree with protecting journalists are the ones upset that the truth is being spread. I completely disagree with them because they feel this way due to the fact that most truths are not what they want to be known about their country.

To conclude, journalists can be protected with an anonymous reporting system, and by people who keep them safe by fighting back against problem makers.

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