Broken Brotherhood

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

What is the most urgent issue in the Russia-Ukraine war: the state of the armed forces, the state of education or the state of healthcare?

What is more important in a life or death situation if not healthcare?

In a war, the people's condition is the most important because the country's population is the literal future. Also, a nation is not defined by it's territory, culture, or other material things. The people are the ones that define a nation. As of right now, Ukraine's healthcare is at an all time low, which has affected many Ukrainians as they were forced to move to other countries with greater medicine in order to heal their wounds that they might have got whilst fleeing their homes.

I consider healthcare being more important than education as it doesn't matter what you learn or if you go to school as long as your life is in danger. In this situation, Ukraine should focus on keeping as many Ukrainians alive as possible.

On the other hand, the state of the armed forces is also really important, as they are the only ones staying between Ukraines remaining territory and Russia. But, there's always the option to surrender, in which case, healthcare becomes more crucial.

Unfortunately, as of right now, I don't think that Ukraine is in a position to work on their healthcare with Russia knocking at the door. For now, they should keep on defending their home land, but as soon as everything calms down, I consider that taking care of their people's health should be the first thing they do. So it could be arguable that the armed forces are equally as important at this current point.

I think this war between Ukraine and Russia will end one of two ways, either Russia will take over after Ukraine surrenders or Russia will give up. It is hard to tell who will come out on top and how long it will take for this conflict to end. But one thing is sure, the scars that Russia has left on Ukraine will be felt for years to come.

Comments (3)

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  • There's a third option. Donald John Trump, his recent election into office, will definitely be a factor, hopefully a positive one, in the sense that it would not cause another world war, but regardless, with all the things he has said in and out of office, I'm quite sure Trump will have a say in how this war ends.

  • I think that education is more important to think of it from a helpful perspective because it can help in first aid.

  • Soviet Union has broken up...
    Ukraine was once in the Soviet Union.
    Putin wants to revive the Soviet union or the Russian Empire.
    And now they are attacking Ukraine.
    He didn't attack the baltics because they are in NATO.