Repeating history? : Russia & Ukraine

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for three years now, and it feels like we're stuck in a never-ending loop of history repeating itself. When we look back at the wars and conflicts of the past, we see similar patterns like fighting over land, power, and control,and it seems like we never learn from those mistakes. The question is: are we creating a new world, where peace is possible, or are we just repeating the same old problems that have caused so much pain for so many years?

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, it wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Countries have been fighting over territory and control for centuries. In the past, wars like this have left nothing but destruction behind. Look at World War I and World War II. After those wars, everyone promised they would never let such horrible things happen again. But here we are, with another war in, causing so much hurt.The lessons of the past seem to have been forgotten, and it's as if we're stuck in a cycle where violence is the answer to problems that should be solved with words.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We have learned so much since the wars of the past. After World War II, countries created the United Nations and other organizations to try and prevent more wars from happening. There were even steps taken to bring enemies together, like the European Union, where countries that fought against each other, like Germany and France, now work together for peace. We have the tools to stop wars before they start, so why is this still happening?

Russia and Ukraine can find a way to talk instead of fight, it could show the world that we don’t have to keep repeating history. We could create a new world where diplomacy and understanding are more important than violence. But if the war continues, it will just be another chapter in the long history of pointless suffering.

In the end, this war is about more than just two countries. It’s about whether we, as a world, can break free from the mistakes of the past and create a future where peace matters more than power. Will we keep repeating history, or will we choose a new path? The choice is in our hands, and we have the chance to do better than before. But if we don't act, we may just let the same cycles of destruction continue.

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