Russia and Ukraine – What is the most urgent issue in the war: state of education, armed forces or healthcare?

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

As you probably know, the Russian-Ukrainian war is going on for three years now. Not enough military forces, injured people and a lot of cancelled lessons at school are all big issues that the war entails, but what is the most urgent issue (state of armed forces, healthcare or education)?

I believe that the healthcare system is the most urgent issue. Due to the war a lot of people get injured and need immediate, fast and good quality help (especially the soldiers). All of them need beds, medicine and doctors/nurses to take care of them. More than 390 000 Ukrainian soldiers have been injured and 45 100 died already. A lot of them did because they didn’t get immediate help and died from their injuries. This shows that during the war there is just not enough space and not enough doctors/nurses to take care of the wounded properly. Keep in mind that there are still “normal” sick people who also need to be taken care of. In addition, the space problem is worsening over time because more and more hospitals are being boomed, which leads to underground hospitals being built for more room and safety.

Now you might ask: “but isn’t the state of the armed forces also a huge problem?” and you're going to be right. Ukraine struggles with a lack of people in the military that's why they had to lower the minimum age for teenagers to join the military, so they have more people fighting for their country (which also reduces their education). But that's exactly why the state of healthcare is such a big problem. Due to the worsening conditions in the hospitals, soldiers’ injuries are not able to heal properly, and less people can return to the military. This shows that the state of healthcare is fatal for other aspects in and outside the war.

In summary I would say that the state of healthcare is the most urgent issue in the ongoing war because of all the bad consequences like deaths and lack of returning soldiers. This problem is not really solvable (unless the war ends) but we can reduce it by donating money, bandages etc.


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