
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

My favourite topic of the festival was the Russia-Ukraine war. My big question is ‘What is the most urgent issue in the Russia-Ukraine war Armed force, education, healthcare?”.

I think healthcare is the most important because Ukraine is getting bombed by Russia every day and the innocent are getting injured or killed. There were only 3050 healthcare centres in Ukraine, now there are only 450 in operation.

I also thought for Ukraine that armed forces are also important as if Ukraine had no armed forces, then Russia would take over Ukraine easily. England and other countries are helping Ukraine with the war and giving Ukraine military aid to help soldiers but this support cannot go on forever. The Ukraine should be given the opportunity to build their own forces.

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  • I agree with you because I also think that Ukraine needs armed forces because they can easily be defeated as you said and If that is done many lives will be lost and Ukraine could be taken over by Russia even though countries are helping them they need more armed forces to secure their land and keep people safe from injury and death or more than 3050 healthcare centers will be destroyed and less will be operating in the country which will be a great loss and people may not be cured and even more could go wrong in the country .