This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I think the question, ‘what is the most urgent issue in Ukraine like education, armed forces and healthcare?’, is most important as it effects a wide spectrum of people.
Since the Ukraine-Russa war started, 576 educational facilities have been destroyed, and this has left many children without education over the country (mainly eastern) this would result in them struggle in the future as lack of education would mean a hard time getting a job. With out education you also become ignorant this could result in people being xenophobic.
Also healthcare has had a big hit in Ukraine nearly 2000 attacks has been done to healthcare buildings in Ukraine this could result in people dying as there would be a lack of medication for people another thing is that most nurses would have to become a nurse to help the soldiers so for civilians they would also have to wait longer to be seen by a doctor/nurse. Another thing is that if there are lower amounts of medication there would be more disease in the streets because the Resorces are stretched.
Since the war between Russia and Ukraine there has been 400,000 wounded and 80,000 dead on the Ukraine side. The number of deaths would result in Ukraine not being able to protect them self and not be reliant on other countries for aid and be self-sufficient.
In conclusion I personally think that healthcare is the biggest issue as if people are always ill, they won't be able to work or fight in the war but i can also see why people would disagree.
Comments (1)
The biggest issue in Ukraine is the lack of weapons they have.In war the more advanced your weapons are the more chance you have of winning a war.They are underdeveloped when it comes to war causing a bigger impact.