Russia & Ukraine

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

“We are given bullets and painkillers, that’s all.” These were the words of one former soldier of the Russian army. My topic was “Russia and Ukraine.” This topic is very important because the war started 11 years ago on February 27th, 2014, and it’s still going on today!

My big question was, “What should be done to help protect journalists who are at risk for reporting the truth? I think that journalists should be protected because they are also very important human beings. I also have my reasons as to why I think this. For instance, Russian journalists are risking their lives to give us news on what’s going on, and the facts from the lesson also state that “Russian journalists are not safe.” Although they are not safe, they still try to give us the truth!

Another reason I think the journalists are important is because in the facts it states, “Russian authorities wanted to stop journalists from protesting against the war and severely punished anyone who did.” It also states that, in the reports, they have shown that “Independent journalists have been poisoned.” Another reason is because one of the facts states, “Reports have shown that Russian independent journalists have been poisoned, imprisoned, and even murdered for speaking out against the war and goverment.” That is why I think that journalists are also important.

In conclusion, I think that, sure, it’s important for both genders to do their own hobbies that they love freely. Just think of all those poor families out there! Think of the damage the war has done! These are all the reasons to stop the war. The Russian and Ukraine War has ruined several people's lives. I think they should just sign an alliance to bring peace!

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