Russia-Ukraine War: Keep journalists Safe

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

Hello Topical talkers, what should be done to protect journalists in Russia who are reporting the truth? should they be left to continue with their job of finding out information and data and keeping people informed about what is happening at the war zone and in the world? Or should they be discouraged?

Journalists reporting the truth must be protected at all cost if they are to continue. The identity of journalists telling the truth should not be hidden so that in a situation whereby they go missing, it will be easy for the public to know and come together to help raise an outcry for their release.

Journalists telling the truth, especially those who hold the government to account, are always at risk of getting kidnapped, tortured, harassed, or even killed in the worst-case scenario. If the government, which is supposed to protect you, becomes a threat to you, what should you do? Since every government likes to look good in the eyes of the citizens, journalists who feel threatened mustn't be quiet, they should use social media- a very powerful tool to cry out and seek help from their fellow citizens. If the citizens come together to raise their voices against the government, they become powerless.

Those journalists reporting the truth about war crimes should be protected by the governments of their countries; they should be assigned special forces for their protection while doing their jobs.

In conclusion, also want to add that, journalists should be exposed to basic self-defence skills, they should be also taught the skills they need to stay safe in war zones. The media companies they work for should work with the military headquarters to attach some kind of chip on them that can help track their location and also feed them with necessary security information.

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