Russian Journalist Standpoint for Topical Talks
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I believe that many things should be done to help journalists show the truth behind Russian propaganda, and their lies within the news. This is important because this is information in which they are showing the kids. Many of these journalists can be sentenced to jail, or worse get executed. Further within my research, there are at least 23 journalists who have been killed for reporting their opinions!
Well, this shows this terror in the Russian government and their defraud in the institution.
Not only have they lied to adults, but also, children are listening to their lies. This proves my point as Russia wants everything their way, and to be superior.
Many of these journalists should go to NATO countries as they can tell the truth behind the Russian government.
In my opinion, with the right evidence these journalists should be free to speak in other NATO countries as they could be safe.
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