Should personal experiences or facts and statistics be used to report about current developments in the whole world and the developments in the war in Ukraine?

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Audio standpoint for Russia and Ukraine

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  • I totally agree! It is very important to find the right balance between facts and personal experiences. That means that the use of one does not exclude the use of the other. I think what we can observe now, in the digital age, is that people are just used to seeing personal, emotionally captivating stories via social media platforms. Traditional media is not used that much by the young people who grew up with that. Because for them, a newspaper isn't as captivating as a video might be.
    When we look at how to use both methods in symbiosis, we inevitably need to consider what our target group is and what we want to achieve.
    Do we want people to jump up and be inspired to help?
    Do we want people to friendly coexist with our story?
    And who are our readers or viewers?
    Is it the old man who has too much time and can read every story?
    Or is it rather the young adult who might click on the first story that might be appealing to them? People no longer read stories because they want to be only informed. They also want to be entertained.
    How do we achieve this? I totally agree with you - through a healthy mix of facts and personal stories.
    We need nor one, nor the other - we need both.