The Secret Struggles of War: helping those who help us.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine
  • Think of being in a war, people are getting hurt because of it . Scary and sad don't you think? Right now, over 2.2 million people are fighting in the Russian-Ukraine War.
  • Many of them look physically strong but are not mentally well, this could cause problems that will require years of rehabilitation due to things encountered during war. It is not only the soldiers that will need rehabilitation; the doctors and other essential workers also will. While treating the injured, they see unimaginable things, which causes stress and anxiety, leading to depression. This could cause them to do things like taking drugs and committing other evil vices. Health workers may not be able to cope well with stress, heartbreaking news, and emotional distress thereby making them easy targets in war, which may prevent them from saving more lives.
  • Soldiers go through a lot when they go to war, they must follow the commander’s plans and tactics even if they don’t believe that it would work. Many are not well paid, and many think of leaving the army, which is hardly allowed during the war. Another factor that can contribute is their living conditions. For example, most camps are not in good sanitary condition and are rodent-infested. We must remember that mental stress contributes to an increase in physical stress, especially during wartime.
  • Soldiers and doctors will also have bad memories and less sleep since they have to work all night, have little time to relax or are always worried, for example, not knowing when there will be a missile.

So in my view, soldiers should have time to rest. Someone might say both sides would need to have doctors and psychologists to help those suffering from traumatic experiences. For instance, soldiers who need rehabilitation might not get it if they are further pushed to a more heated area of the battle which will result in increase in the years/months needed to rehabilitate them thereby affecting them now and in their future. Again if a doctor is granted leave it will free the doctor’s mind and when he returns, he is more likely to work efficiently.

  • In conclusion, if doctors and soldiers are mentally unstable, they would not work well, there will be more casualties and death. I strongly believe that in wartime doctors and soldiers should be given some time off so that they can rest and relax.

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